Transform any wall into a masterpiece by turning your favourite photos into personalised canvas prints. Ferndown Photographics offer superb quality personliased canvas printing in a range of sizes and styles all at great price.

Canvas Printing

Christmas deadline for canvas prints is 10th December.

Create Personalised Canvas printing and Poster prints

Transform any wall into a masterpiece by turning your favourite photos into personalised canvas prints.

Ferndown Photographics offer superb quality personliased canvas printing in a range of sizes and styles all at great price.

Personal photo canvas prints make the perfect gifts for Christmas, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, house warming or any other special occasion.

Due to inconsistent print sizes from various media etc, printing cost will be rounded up to the nearest fixed size.

Stretched canvas prices are also subject to adjustment for the same reason. For stretching purposes, a 2-3″ border is required which may require actual image size to be reduced.

Personalised canvas prints are priced on a job by job basis for accuracy

Canvas treating & stretching service usually 2 – 3 working days depending on size. 

Size (Inches) Size (CM) Lustre (260GSM) Fine Art (180GSM) Canvas
10 x 12
25 x 30
£7.00 £5.00 £32.00
11 x 14 28 x 36 £8.00 £6.00 N/A
12 x 16 30 x 41 £11.00 £8.00 £38.00
12 x 18 30 x 46 £13.00 £9.00 £40.00
16 x 20 41 x 61 £15.00 £10.00 £50.00
16 x 24 41 x 61 £18.00 £12.00 £56.00
20 x 30 51 x 76 £24.00 £13.00
24 x 32 61 x 81 £30.00 £15.00

Many other sizes available, please call for details

Transform any wall into a masterpiece by turning your favourite photos into personalised canvas prints. Ferndown Photographics offer superb quality personliased canvas printing in a range of sizes and styles all at great price.